The partners of the TwinRevolution project, co-funded by the Erasmus+ program, holds a first meeting in April to establish the first steps of the project. In this first meeting it was agreed the working methodology to develop the first blueprint at European level on the digital and green transitions, that will include the necessary knowledge and skills that future workers should know to engage industry in this double transition.
The TwinRevolution project aims to develop training materials for VET students and companies to promote the use of new technologies as facilitators of a more sustainable industry, within the well-known new circular economy model. Thanks to the TwinRevolution project, it is expected that current and future workers of manufacturing industries will have a new training platform and an advanced interactive tool, which will allow them to update their knowledge to be at the forefront of the so-called double transition digital and green, a fundamental pillar of the objectives of the European Union for the coming years.
The project, led by the Technological Institute of Karlsruhe (Germany), where the first meeting took place, also has the participation of the University of Vaasa (Finland) the Institute of Textile Testing of the Czech Republic, the Technological Centre of Furniture and Wood (Spain), and the Secondary School José Luis Castillo Puche (Spain).