In a comprehensive Skills Outlook report for 2023, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) highlights the urgent need for countries to significantly enhance their efforts in fortifying initial education systems. The report emphasizes the importance of providing improved upskilling and reskilling opportunities for lifelong learning, ensuring that skills available align more effectively with the dynamic demands of the labor market.
The OECD contends that this strategic approach is not only crucial for meeting the challenges posed by artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics but is also an essential component for a successful transition to a net-zero economy. The report underscores the critical role of investments in skills, identifying them as the linchpin for building a resilient green and digital transition.
However, the OECD cautions that the rapid pace of environmental and digital transformations is outpacing the adaptability of education and skills policies. As new job profiles and skills requirements emerge, the report reveals that, on average across OECD countries, only around four in ten adults participate in formal or non-formal learning for job-related reasons. This shortfall hampers the ability of workers to upskill and reskill, limiting their opportunities for sectoral reallocation and adapting to new technologies.
Read the full report here