The structure of the future TwinRevolution training course, pillar of the future e-training, has been launched after the approval of all partners. The Joint Curriculum, based on the previous industry needs analysis, is the result of a cooperative work among all project partners that have design the learning pathway to ensure a good knowledge understating on what is and how to implement a twin digital and green transition on companies of the manufacturing industry, with special focus in the furniture and textile sectors.
The Joint Curriculum divides the future learning course on 4 different training modules, with a total of 50 learning hours. Each module is composed by several learning units, that address the previously defined learning outcomes.
The 4 learning modules are:
• Twin transition introduction: towards a green and smart manufacturing industry
• Circular economy applied in the manufacturing industry
• Industry4.0 technologies in the manufacturing industry
• Twin green and digital transition
You can have an overview of the TwinRevolution Joint Curriculum through this infographic:
Currently, more than 40 external experts on circular economy and industry 4.0 from Europe are validating the proposed Joint Curriculum through a depth questionnaire. Their comments will be considered to develop tailored training materials of the future course.
See below the complete Joint Curriculum:
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